The Fibro Spot's Blog Space

  • 7 Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia

    Standard treatments for the symptoms of fibromyalgia include pain relievers, antidepressants, and antiseizure drugs. These can help reduce symptoms like pain, fatigue, and insomnia.

    For some people, though, these medications may not provide the perfect solution. They may cause side effects that make them difficult to keep taking, and they may not adequately relieve the pain.

    Because of this, lifestyle changes and more natural remedies are often recommended. Below are a few of the more popular natural remedies for fibromyalgia.

  • Everything You Need to Know About Fibromyalgia

    Around 4 million adults in the United StatesTrusted Source, or around 2 percent, have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Most fibromyalgia cases are diagnosed in females. Most people get diagnosed in middle age, but fibromyalgia can also affect children.

  • Founder and Owner of The Fibro Spot's Interview on 'Because We Are Strong' Podcast

    Here is the Because We Are Strong Podcast, Episode 87, that our one and only Founder and Owner, Tami Stroud was interviewed for.  It tells her story of how she was first diagnosed with Fibro and how that brought her here, to creating this store, and helping as many people who have a chronic illness and chronic pain live life just a tiny bit easier. 
  • The Fibro Spot's Blog

    This is where you can find your tribe, read articles that can give you more insight into Fibromyalgia and know you ARE NOT ALONE in this.

    Stay awhile and learn about how others handle their illness, what works for them and what doesn't, and take a peek at some extremely well written and cutting edge medical articles about Fibromyalgia from a tried and true medical source.